Moderating post-redesign is an amusing frolic through the realms of nigh insanity.
Firstly, you have the endless slew of "OMG REDESIGNNNN" topics which will inevitably occur for the next five days - the users posting it entirely discounting the fact that the first page is already saturated with similar tattle. Then you have the "This shit sucks, I want old NG" nihilistic darlings posting, attempting to seem cool and retro by announcing their love for anything old (Thereby establishing themselves as a long time user, no doubt); thinking they'll be inherently awesome by extension.
Then some little kiddy-winks discover how to post news topics, and all common sense goes out the Windows%u2122 as the morons swarm around biting at the heels of intellect as they post their drivel, never once considering the inevitable consequences.
It's a roller-coaster ride of endless fun, folks. A tootiliscious joy maker.
But hey - I get a golden-aura, right?
Those kids who want the "old" layout back probably joined NG in 2006 or something.